As this video clip showes, multiliteracy approach in teaching English is required in order to keep with the changing world. That's because people need to interact people beyond their countries in global age and English is adopted as a global language to communicate people who come from various cultures. Thus the primary outcome of teaching English is how to communicate appropriately with people in the world rather than how to acquire grammatically correct English.
This multiliteracy approach is beneficial not only to communication between different cultures but also to individual learners who have different learning styles. According to the Multiple Intelligences(MI) theory of Howard Gardner, learning can be facilitated by addressing differentiated intelligences such as visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical-rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, existential intelligences.
In this way, every single learner can enhance and accelearate learning under the multilieracy approach.
I like the way you link multiliteracies and Gardner's multiple intelligences. It's good to remember that different literacies appeal to different students with different learning styles - but we also need to remember that we should be training students not only in their preferred literacies/learning styles, but attemping to build their skills in areas in which they are less comfortable.